Rotary Potato Spudgun Air Cannon Plans
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The 1 1/2" projectile Rotary Potato Spudgun Air Cannon is the ultimate multi shot air cannon for spudefying other tater tossing assailants!!!
Rotary Action Potato Air Cannon
RPG - 1 1/2" Rotary Potato Spudgun Air Cannon Plans
How to build - the RPG Air Cannon
these build it yourself Potato RPG Air Cannon Plans with fully detailed
fabrication and assembly instruction for, Just
Detailed Fabrication Instructions Included
your revolver ready with this RPG Air Cannon!
This Air Cannons Rotary Spudgun Action fire repeated shots at your target without wasting time on reloads.
With this revolver rotary action model you can fire 5 shots while dialing in accuracy with each shot fired!
Plans to build the Revolving RPG Air Cannon
These plans to build the Semi Auto Rotary Barrel Potato Spudgun Air Cannon offer a unique rotary design.
Building our spudgun can be and easy & fun project that offers you the most advanced design for a deluxe semi auto multi barrel potato air Spudgun.
Features include a solid state ignition firing system that is Fool Proof!
Got a target? it's time to spudinate it! Fire repeat shots with quick revolver re-fire action that can't be beat.
This potato Spudgun design features a rotating barrel assembly that includes a hyper fast loading combustion chamber for quick action. Even with this highly advanced design, building this potato Spudgun is easy.
This potato Spudgun looks a lot like a star wars midi Spudgun and has the repeat fire action to match. The plans include instructions for building speed loaders to ensure quick reloads.
Build It Yourself RPG Air Cannon
With simple hand tools like as a hack saw, jig saw, file and sand paper you can fabricate and assemble this potato Spudgun in an afternoon. These simple to follow plans keep your cost down on construction as well.
Now you too can build a Potato Spudgun with these plans and be using the fastest shooting, coolest looking spud Spudgun in no time at all!
With hair spray of rubbing alcohol you can fire off several shots with authority and not waste any time in between for slow reloads.
With the 1 1/2" barrels you can insert all different types of projectiles to pummel your targets with repetitive action. Never let anyone get a spud-up on you again!!! It's fun and action packed...
The RPG Rotary Potato Spudgun Air Cannon!
your set of RPG Air Cannon Plans today and get ready to french-fry the
competition with quick repeat revolver action shots! Just $4.95